(1) Bloggie understands it was passed by a vote of something like 50-3 (or so) by Arts and Sciences Council; there is no question, then, of dismissing it as an act of a few "disgruntled" faculty members. We could, however, reasonably attribute the arbitrary and self serving acts of recent university policy as the acts of a few disgruntled administrators who have no idea what words like "trustee" and "stewardship" imply.
(2) Note this resolution is by no means anything like an "endorsement" of an interim dean, although UT administrators will probably try to treat it in this way.
(3) Bloggie predicts that there will be no good faith effort on the part of administrators, including the interim dean, to really honor any of these reasonable expectations.
(4) Isn't it curious that a national search is begun immediately for the Dean of the new School of Renewable Energy (or whatever it's called), even though this school is essentially fictive, but meanwhile the Deanship of the largest college at the University goes unfilled? Is this punitive action, incompetence, or a combination of both? We have seen by the acts of our disgruntled administrators that these categories of behavior are by no means mutually exclusive.
Love to all,
I applaud the valiant and extremely reasonable resolution that the Council passed!
I am literally on the edge of my seat to see how the administration will treat this.
My guess is it will be something like 'the Count' from Nilsson's 'The Point!'
"Villainy! Treason! Public Naughtiness!"
There was a national search for the women's softball coach....
My guess is they yawn.
Of course you're yawning. As an administrator it is your only real skill.
November 6, in the Law Center Auditorium, there will be the Mc College Tour, featuring a film about the corporatization of American higher education, which seems to be all too profligate here at UT.
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