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Friday, December 22, 2017

"As a final reminder, the University’s new winter break will begin next week, enabling faculty and staff to relax and recharge at a time when many departments are operationally slow ..." This is a specious claim -- and absurd. Diligent research and teaching faculty want to increase their productivity daily, weekly, monthly and year-round. The new winter break may appear penny wise to the anonymous brain-dead bean counter who conjured it up for an apparently feckless administration, but its deliberate demoralizing of the professoriate is rooted in amoral market forces that will prove pound foolish in the long run. Why impose a brutal, self-inflicted, week-long "Little Death" on the intellectual core of our campus learning community? What next? Two weeks? If our present administration does not begin to invest in increasing the numbers and the morale of its tenure-track and tenured Liberal Arts research/teaching faculty then down the road -- and not too far -- a "Big Death" for the University of Toledo seems increasingly likely.

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