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Saturday, April 4, 2015

LLSS Dean Review by Faculty Senate

Bloggie apologizes for awkward format changes required to post the entire unedited document.  No further comment. 

University of Toledo
Faculty Senate Report on the Administrative Performance of1
Dean Jamie Barlowe
evaluated by the faculty of
The College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences
Number of respondents: 45 Number of eligible respondents: 143
Spring 2015
31% response rate
Range of scores

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
1.00 = Unsuccessful
 2.00 = Needs Improvement
3.00 = Meets Expectations
4.00 = Exceeds Expectations
5.00 = Role Model

Dean Barlowe’s overall performance score.................................................. 3.35
Area Page
Administrative Areas Score
Academic Integrity, Transparency, and Credibility 3.19 1 Leadership 3.24 4 Responsibility and Accountability 3.38 6 Communication/Interpersonal Skills 3.31 8 Diversity and Inclusion 3.97 10 Recruitment and Retention of Faculty and Staff 3.19 12 External Relations 3.44 14 Program Development 3.16 16 Problem Solving and Decision-Making 3.44 18 Planning & Organizing 3.24 20 Financial Management 3.28 22
Comments on overall administrative performance
1 This assessment would not have been possible without the invaluable service provided by the individuals at The Center for Creative Instruction, including, but not limited to, Bobbi Vaughan and Brian Szabo. This evaluation was administered by the 2014–15 Faculty Senate Executive Committee:
Karen Hoblet, President Kristen Keith, Vice President Linda Rouillard, Past President
Lucy Duhon, Executive Secretary Mike Dowd, at-large MC rep Scott Molitor, at-large MC rep
Marlene Porter, at-large HSC rep, Frederick Williams, at-large HSC rep. Mary Humphrys, OFC Representative
Faculty Senate: 3320 University Hall, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43606 Telephone: 419.530.2112; Fax: 419.530.2114; Email:
Area 1 Dean Barlowe Academic Integrity, Transparency, and Credibility
Please consider the following issues when assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area.
(a) Does the dean adhere to principles of academic freedom and shared governance? (b) Are processes open and transparent?
(c) Do past decisions indicate credible future leadership?
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 1 ................................................ 3.19
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................. Number of responses: 10
• The dean demonstrates consistent leadership and respect for academic freedom and shared governance, to produce first-best solutions to academic issues and to insure the academic integrity of all college programs.
• Transparency is a hallmark: the dean actively engages faculty and staff to address issues facing the college and incorporates their input into solutions so that decisions have a college- wide foundation. Decisions are based on core values and serve to guarantee academic in- tegrity throughout the college.
• Past actions leave no doubt that the dean’s future actions will be trustworthy, and will be made in the best interest of students, faculty, and staff.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 8
• The dean acts in a way to nurture the understanding of academic freedom and shared
governance among faculty as a way to preserve the long-term integrity of academic programs.
• Decision processes of the dean are professional and transparent. Faculty and staff are in- cluded in each stage of the decision-making process. Academic integrity is a key component of each decision. The dean openly accepts responsibility for the ethics and fairness of each decision.
• Past actions of the dean have been consistent, producing trust in faculty and staff that the dean’s future actions will be ethical and fair.
Meets Expectations ........................................... Number of responses: 12
• The dean makes decisions with an uncompromising commitment to the principles of aca- demic freedom and shared governance, thus promoting academic integrity across all college programs.
• Faculty and staff are consistently encouraged by the dean to provide input on the issues facing the college and, once decisions are made, the dean openly discusses the rationale for each decision. The dean’s decisions are ethical and fair. Decisions are made for the right reasons and serve to promote academic integrity.
• The dean’s past actions instill confidence that future actions will be worthy of faculty and staff trust.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 6
• The dean does not adhere to principles of academic freedom and shared governance on a
consistent basis, raising doubts about the commitment to academic integrity.
• Informs faculty and staff of issues faced by the college, but does so inconsistently and typi- cally after decisions are made. The dean typically does not provide the rationale for her/his decisions. The dean needs coaching to improve impartiality.
• Past actions of the dean have been inconsistent and do not serve as a credible predictor of future actions.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 1: Academic Integrity, Transparency, and Credibility
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 7
• The dean shows little or no respect for either academic freedom or shared governance, and
little or no regard for academic integrity.
• The dean does not routinely inform faculty and staff of issues facing the college and does not openly communicate decisions that have been made. No rationale is provided for such decisions other than appearing to suit the dean’s preferences only. The dean does not exhibit a propensity to match words with corresponding actions.
• Past actions of the dean produce little or no trust that future actions will be ethical or fair. Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 1 ...................................... 2
• Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area. Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 1 (verbatim)
1.1 Dean Barlowe is outstanding. She is probably the hardest working person on campus. But also, she possesses the requisite interpersonal skills for this position in abundance. She is committed to the students and the faculty, and she shows this in the decisions she makes and in the way she relates to people on a personal basis.
1.2 Dean Barlowe is a powerful champion for our students and faculty.
1.3 The dean is fine about these things when approached one-on-one, but is often weirdly secretive about college functions (for example, she tried to prevent a college-wide discussion of her hiring plan).
1.4 I’ve found Dr. Barlowe to be remarkable in her ability to make time to discuss problems, concerns, plans, with most anyone who needs her insight: students, lectures, faculty and de- partment chairs. When questioned she does not dodge providing answers and she doesn’t invent answers to meet the needs of those questioning her. When she doesn’t have a certain answer to an issue, she says so. When a situation is complex and needs time to work out, she thoroughly explains the hows and whys of possible future plans that might affect any and all connected to our college.
1.5 The dean is a bumbler and a bully. She has gone out of her way to undermine the promotion and reputation of tenured faculty who hold ideas in sharp contrast to her own. She is demonstrated to be disrespectful to the spirit and practice of academic freedom.
1.6 The Dean uses the Chair Council and College Council well to discuss and disseminate infor- mation/decisions. Transparency is difficult to judge because faculty cannot tell if the dean is withholding information of if it is the Provost and President who are withholding information. A good example of this is the recent hiring plan.
1.7 The dean touted having an 8 week course program set up, but the 8 week course I taught was a disaster.
1.8 taking sides in departmental squabbles that have been ongoing for 30 years without considering the effect on the department as a whole interfering with teaching assignments in a department makes up her mind about the cause of a difficulty without considering facts
1.9 There has NO opportunity for shared governance with Dean Barlowe. This has been the most frustrating time I’ve experienced at UT over the past 30 yrs. This is can be seen in her appointing an outside chair to a department without discussing the appointee with the Department. Further, this chair openly indicated in a faculty meeting that he runs every decision in the department by Dean Barlowe and only makes moves that she tells him to do (even when the department disagrees). Another indicator is she took the lead on suspending a member of a department without discussing the matter with the department faculty. Even though the department was having internal troubles–she refused to meet with the department faculty as a group. Thus, the department could not provide feedback and and could not discuss
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 2 of 23
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 1: Academic Integrity, Transparency, and Credibility
issue with the Dean directly. There is entirely no transparency in her decision process, as far as I can tell.
1.10 From my point of view, Dean Barlowe has effectively consulted with faculty before moving forward with major decision regarding the college. I believe she has been forward-thinking in battling against other colleges that believe money wins out over academics.
1.11 Dean Barlowe has demonstrated time and time again that her commitment to support faculty and students is unwavering and that faculty and student success is her primary objective. Her integrity in meeting the challenges that come with being Dean of LLSS has been much evident and much appreciated.
1.12 She has been consistently transparent about the college budget, sought input from faculty on needed investments, and acted on that advice when it was consistent with the mission.
1.13 Without question, the best dean I have worked with during my time at Toledo. She has a remarkable knowledge of the individual fields under her purview and therefore can engage intelligently and constructive with each department. She knows and understands best practices within academia and consequently has been able to achieve more meaningful change than I had thought possible. She attends to the needs of the faculty and the department chairs with proper consideration and engagement even if she cannot always satisfy our requests. This has enriched moral, encouraged academic freedom (and with it scholarship).
1.14 You have three statements under it response. I may not feel the same response is accurate for all statements. Poor design.
1.15 Although the Dean has faced a tough challenge having to represent very different administrative directions, I think she’s communicated her thought process in decision making well. She’s also been available when I’ve reached out with her to discuss matters of professional importance to me. Regularly attends (or has a delegated associate dean at) LLSS council.
1.16 There are two points to consider when talking about academic integrity and Dean Barlowe. First, Dean Barlowe’s “leadership” has resulted in almost every department in this college being on the brink of not being able to offer the courses necessary for students to complete their degrees. Second, in her three years as dean, Dean Barlowe has never expressed any concern over existing academic programs – other than her home department, of course. With regard to transparency, Dean Barlowe *never* shares information with faculty or chairs until that information has already been released by someone else in some other office. It appears Dean Barlowe views information and knowledge as true power and Dean Barlowe does not share that “power” with anyone. Dean Barlowe’s past actions have been inconsistent, do not serve as a credible predictor of future actions, and have produced no trust that her future actions will be ethical or fair.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 3 of 23
Area 2 Dean Barlowe Leadership
When assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area, traditional leadership attributes should be considered along with attributes that include, but are not limited to the extent to which . . .
(a) the dean demonstrates insight and motivation as departments and faculty build, strengthen, and refine a cohesive set of academic and research programs,
(b) the dean’s actions and resource allocations are demonstrably free of favoritism or bias,
(c) the dean effectively represents and advocates for the mission and visibility of the college within
the university,
(d) the dean publicly recognizes the contributions of others in successful college-level performance
and actions, and
(e) the dean’s professional and social behavior serve as an exemplar for faculty, staff and students.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 2 ................................................ 3.24
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 9
• The dean is a proven leader in all aspects of job described above.
• Faculty, students, and chairs consistently look to the dean to provide inspiration and exper- tise throughout the development of a project.
Exceeds Expectations ......................................... Number of responses: 12
• Clearly stands out as a leader in most or all aspects of job described above.
• Faculty, staff or students recognize the significant benefit from dean’s contribution to a project.
Meets Expectations ........................................... Number of responses: 12 • The dean consistently demonstrates a leadership role in most aspects of job described above.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 5 • The dean shows some interest in and talent for the leadership role described above, though
he/she will not be effective without coaching.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 7
• The dean shows little or no interest or ability in providing above mentioned leadership to faculty, staff, or students.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 2 ...................................... 0 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 2 (verbatim)
2.1 This is one of the few deans I’ve ever know whom people consistently say they trust. I feel very comfortable with Dean Barlowe leading this college.
2.2 There have been concerns about favoritism in her handling of psychology department conflicts (I am not in that department and do not have direct knowledge of this).
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 2: Leadership
2.3 Much of what I said in my previous remark still applies here. I’ve known her to work very closely with one lecturer who needed guidance on furthering her education and as a result, building her career. She’s also worked closely with students, often those who have emotional or psychological issues that set them back. Dr. Barlowe will take the time to investigate all the ramifications of a potential problem and give guidance and advice. She clearly works to make our college visible and of great value to the university and the community as well. She doesn’t hesitate to let members of the college–whether it be student, faculty, or staff-know when they are doing superior work to further their own careers and to enrich the intellectual life of our college as well as the community.
2.4 The dean is intelligent and professional, but I do not see her as a strong advocate for the mission of our college. The hiring freeze has made some LLSS departments completely dysfunctional; honestly, we’re dying, here. (Have you visited the History department, lately? It’s a disaster!) I wanted our dean to stand up and champion us, speaking loudly and clearly about the impor- tance of replacing faculty. Instead, she seems to be willing to accept converting lecturers to tenured positions (hardly the most effective way to get top notch faculty), to let entire majors and programs lapse (Linguistics is still touted on the current LLSS promotional video, for in- stance), and to let her associate professors kill themselves trying to single handedly meet service requirements that should be done by multiple people. We simply can’t do any more with less, and we need a strong hiring plan where we hire competitively, not just limp along converting in-house lines or patching together visitors and lecturers. I have been distressed to see the dean’s actions re the Psychology department. These actions seemed biased, and I cannot help but think that there were other ways to resolve the conflict within that department.
2.5 She has not aggressively led the LLSS College to improve academic excellence. Most of her leadership energies have gone towards advancing her personal ideological agendas.
2.6 No contact with lecturers at al in my department. No effort to communicate or discover needs we have.
2.7 I find that Dean Barlowe’s look across all departments within the college, and careful consid- eration of where new hires should be given, will help to strengthen our college in the coming years. Given the types of administrations she has had to deal with, I am happy to see where our college currently sits -as opposed to where it could have ended up with a lesser dean.
2.8 She has shown departments unfailing and tireless support. She has enriched our conversations with constructive criticisms and positive suggestions. She has shown us how to work with and constructively engage other levels of University governance. I have found her to be a capable and inspiring leader.
2.9 Our college has been in a tough boat, given how poorly understood it’s mission is on campus, and given the limited resources we are given. But I’ve seen her work hard to advocate for our students and faculty and to showcase our successes.
2.10 The dean does not provide any actual leadership in any aspect of her job. I guess her only redeeming feature in this areas is that she doesn’t pretend to provide leadership. Faculty and chairs are left alone to deal with all issues that come up, which is a good thing because why should we turn to our dean for advice when the dean has absolutely concern about the issues we are facing. The dean demonstrates true favoritism to some individuals and some departments. If you are one of her favorites, then you truly are in luck. If you are not one of her favorites, then you are totally screwed. If there is a word to describe “negative” leadership, then please apply that description to my dean.
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Area 3 Dean Barlowe Responsibility and Accountability
When assigning degree ratings in this area, please consider the extent of deans responsibility and accountability for decisions, resource allocations, and outcomes.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 3 ................................................ 3.38
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................. Number of responses: 11
• The dean takes on tasks outside of normal job without being asked. Able to recognize the need and fill in the gap. A demonstrated leader in modeling professional behavior and demeanor to others.
• The dean accepts responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or out- comes and then proactively works with faculty, chairs, and staff to develop plans to move the college forward.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 6
• The dean can always be depended upon to follow through with assigned tasks. Takes on
tasks outside of normal job with enthusiasm when asked.
• The dean accepts responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or out- comes and welcomes constructive feedback from others.
Meets Expectations ........................................... Number of responses: 13
• The dean usually follows through with assigned tasks by ensuring accuracy and timeliness.
Always acts in a professional manner when dealing with others.
• The dean accepts responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or out- comes.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 5
• The dean cannot be depended upon to follow through with assigned tasks because of quality
or timeliness. Does not display professional behavior consistently.
• The dean denies responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or outcomes.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 4
• The dean takes no responsibility for task accuracy, quality, or deadlines. Becomes defensive
when given feedback about performance.
• The dean blames subordinates for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or outcomes.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 3 ...................................... 6 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 3 (verbatim)
3.1 Dean Barlowe has brought more transparency to the college, as well as a pro-active approach to improving the college and it’s profile.
3.2 Debbie Corkins (exec. secretary) insures accuracy and timeliness. Everything fell apart when she was on sick leave, however.
3.3 I will use the language made available here because it so aptly describes Dr. Barlowe’s strengths when it comes to responsibility and accountability. As a faculty member and then later on as an administrator in any job she undertakes she routinely takes on tasks outside of normal job without being asked. She has always been able to recognize the need and fill in the gap. We’ve seen this most recently in the hard work she put into reviving the Humanities program. After
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 3: Responsibility and Accountability
a long hiatus, it’s up and running and now we can all learn what our colleagues are doing in their areas of research. The Humanities Happy Hour lectures now serve to boost moral, collegiality among the departments, and to help both students and faculty recognize that we work in a lively and impressive intellectual environment. But initiative is nothing new to Dr. Barlowe,. She was a leader in her work with Women’s and Gender Studies, in her commitment to bringing diversity to our college and her commitment to make faculty, staff and students feel safe in terms of who they are and what they are striving for while connected to the college. She’s also extremely instrumental in helping those who want to further and develop their careers and scholarship beyond the college.A demonstrated leader in modeling professional behavior and demeanor to others. I have heard her responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or outcomes and then proactively works with faculty, chairs, and staff to develop plans to move the college forward.
3.4 This is relatively minor, but yet a big thing. I know that Dean Barlowe is busy, as we all are, but improvement responding to email would be helpful.
3.5 I’ve not known this Dean to turn down additional responsibilities, but it’s hard to tell whether or when that comes from the Dean’s initiative or from the seemingly endless ability of higher-ups to generate additional things to do.
3.6 I find that Dean Barlowe is first to accept blame when something does not work out to her (or faculty’s) satisfaction. She takes the time to listen to faculty both individually and as a whole.
3.7 My only complaint is that she might take on too much and she is perhaps too committed to a hands on responsibility for college decisions. This has served the college well, but makes this an extremely difficult and all-consuming position.
3.8 The lack of timeliness may be the fault of administrative levels above the dean. Departments have been waiting over 6 months to hear about their hiring plan. On the other hand, we were given less than a week to complete our workloads.
3.9 In all my experiences working with the Dean, I’ve seen her work extremely hard advocating for our college.
3.10 There is a “gallows humor” game some faculty play whenever a group meets with Dean Barlowe: we wait to see who the dean will pick to be the “bad guy” – e.g., the person Dean Barlowe says is responsible for all things she failed to deliver or for any “bad news.” The dean goes out of her way to tell us – and then repeat several times in different ways – how that other person is actually responsible for her failures. Dean Barlowe never accepts responsibility for unsatisfactory decisions, resource allocations, or outcomes. The dean makes many promises but somehow never remembers making those promises when she breaks them. Within the college, Dean Barlowe is not accountable to anyone for anything. The sad part is that her faculty have gotten used to that. Will the provost hold this dean accountable?
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Area 4 Dean Barlowe
Communication/Interpersonal Skills
Please consider the following issues when assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area.
(a) The extent to which the job requires the dean to explain, describe, persuade, negotiate, and generally convey intended meanings and information to faculty, students, chairs, and staff.
(b) The extent to which the dean uses appropriate media to convey particular messages or infor-
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 4 ................................................ 3.31
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................. Number of responses: 11
• Takes on responsibility to initiate communication with faculty, chairs, staff, or students. Works consistently to develop team effectiveness.
Exceeds Expectations ......................................... Number of responses: 12
• The dean shows concern and commitment to ensuring excellent communication practices.
• The dean demonstrates teamwork capabilities and makes suggestions on how faculty, chairs, and staff can work together more effectively.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 9
• The dean provides and presents verbal communication accurately and professionally.
• The dean does not require assistance to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
• The dean consistently demonstrates teamwork capabilities when working with faculty, chairs,
and staff.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 6
• The dean shows limited effort to communicate and to respond to complaints, but does so inconsistently. Information stated is not understood by others and is often incorrect.
• The dean often requires assistance to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
• The dean shows limited effort working with faculty, chairs, or staff, but does so inconsistently.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 7
• The dean shows little or no effort to communicate to faculty, students, chairs, and staff on
a consistent basis.
• The dean does not effectively respond to complaints. Unable to resolve interpersonal con- flicts.
• The dean demonstrates little or no effort toward working with faculty, chairs, or staff. Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 4 ...................................... 0
• Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area. Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 4 (verbatim)
4.1 I’ve already touched upon this point. I’ll add here that Dean Barlowe is very down to earth and sincere. I’ve seen her take time to have a discussion with a new student to make her feel welcome to the college, whereas many administrators and faculty would simply say they are too busy.
4.2 Dean Barlowe is a clear and articulate professional
4.3 I’m quite certain that my comments in previous statement easily and effectively apply here.
4.4 This is a real weakness of this dean, I’m afraid.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 4: Communication/Interpersonal Skills
4.5 We never see the dean. She never sends out any communication to faculty.
4.6 unseemly displays of anger, tantrums, threats
4.7 Dean Barlowe has not communicated with faculty in my department. Her handling of inter- personal conflict is the worst I’ve ever seen at the Dean’s level.
4.8 The college newsletter has worked well in keeping us aware of the positive aspects regarding the college.
4.9 The Dean has made time for me when I have needed her perspective and advice, and she has helped with faculty in pursuance of teaching excellence and scholarly production. Communi- cation has been excellent – uncomplicated and clear and grounded in the sort of listening that ensures her advice or position is on point.
4.10 The dean shows little or no effort to communicate to faculty or chairs on a consistent basis. I challenge you to try to schedule a meeting with our dean. She is *never* available. Her own secretary is not permitted to schedule appointments with our dean. With regard to the dean’s response to a complaint, she is uninterested, unresponsive, and vindictive. She never forgets even a minor complaint.
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Area 5 Dean Barlowe Diversity and Inclusion
Please consider the following issues when assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area.
(a) The extent to which the dean promotes a diverse and inclusive culture throughout the college, including recruitment and retention of diverse mix of faculty, staff, and students.
(b) Engages in strategies that encourage diversity of thought and participation.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 5 ................................................ 3.97
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................. Number of responses: 20
• The dean has clear strategic understanding of the benefits of diversity and inclusion in decision-making.
• The dean creates solid relationships with people who think and act differently from self.
• The dean includes diversity and inclusion goals in college planning.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 4 • The dean is able to objectively challenge assumptions about others based on their differences.
• The dean encourages committees, groups, and departments to seek out diverse opinions. • The dean actively participates in campus diversity programs.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 9
• The dean makes an effort to provide forums and training to faculty, staff, and students on
the importance and practice of diversity.
• The dean models inclusive communication and diversity of thinking for others.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 3
• It appears the dean needs coaching on laws and university policies related to harassment
and workplace discrimination, along with the enforcement of those laws and policies.
• The dean does not always consider diverse opinions or the impact of decisions on diverse others.
• The dean complies with university requirements on diversity, but makes little effort to enact the spirit of diversity in the college.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 2
• The dean may not recognize own biases and assumptions about others.
• The dean does not have a clear grasp of the appropriateness of communication with others who are different from self.
• The dean needs more understanding of benefits accruing from having a diverse college. Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 5 ...................................... 7
• Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 5: Diversity and Inclusion
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 5 (verbatim)
5.1 Coming from her area of expertise, I think Dean Barlowe is deeply aware of the importance for diversity.
5.2 Her record probably speaks for itself in this regard, but I know of no person with a greater commitment to diversity.
5.3 As said before, Dr. Barlowe has been committed to diversity since she first took on her job as a professor of English. I’ve observed her work in bringing diversity to our department, and then later in the Women and Gender Studies Program and then eventually in the ranks of the administration as well. She has a keen eye and intuition when interacting with those who do have biases and unfair assumptions, and she’s quick to point out the flaws in thinking. I’ve never known an administrator so gifted at grasping the appropriateness of communication. She is eloquent and fearless at setting situations, observations and attitudes right when she sees an impropriety at work.
5.4 diversity in everything except ideas, where it counts
5.5 I applaud Dean Barlowe’s push for diversity within our college.
5.6 It would be nice if the Dean could coach several of her department chairs about professional decorum with fellow staff and faculty members. There have been several complaints about hostility and intimidation, unfair treatment and verbal abuse (rude commentary, etc.) in our department, which is has been described as workplace bullying, and it is illegal. We are not sure if or how things are being handled as we are still met with the very same behaviors that were highlighted about earlier.
5.7 The dean has worked very hard and effectively with the upper administration to create and administer a minority faculty hiring pool, and consistently points out our shortcomings in retaining under represented minorities among our faculty.
5.8 We all have our biases. It seems that Dean Barlowe recognizes her own biases, and celebrates those biases. It also seems that Dean Barlowe has lost perspective on the extent she has implemented her biases to the detriment of the college.
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Area 6 Dean Barlowe Recruitment and Retention of Faculty and Staff
When assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area, please consider the extent to which he/she issuccessful in the following activities:
(a) attracting, developing, and retaining high-quality faculty and staff, (b) conflict resolution, and
(c) recruitment of (or grooming) faculty members for administrative positions.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 6 ................................................ 3.19
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 6
• The dean, in consultation with faculty and chairs, advances the college by actively engaging stakeholders in strategic visioning, assessing and aligning faculty and staff needs with both students’ and college needs, and assigning such resources appropriately.
• The dean consistently demonstrates an ability to turn conflicts into opportunities.
• The dean takes explicit actions to identify and groom faculty for possible appointments to
future openings in chair or associate dean positions.
Exceeds Expectations ......................................... Number of responses: 11
• The dean is an active participant in recruitment and selection of faculty and staff. He/she sells the college to prospective recruits and devotes resources to retain high-quality faculty and staff.
• The dean maintains openness and transparency in communication with faculty and staff; interpersonal skill set is strong.
• The dean encourages faculty to self-identify as candidates for future opening in a chair or associate dean positions, and provides resources for training suitable candidates.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 8
• The dean recognizes the importance of recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty and
staff and takes steps to improve the processes.
• The dean is able to adapt interpersonal communication styles to meet needs of faculty and staff. The dean is successful in resolving conflicts.
• The dean looks for ways to groom faculty for possible openings in chair or associate dean positions.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 6
• The dean is involved in recruitment of personnel, but only limited effort is devoted toward
retaining high-quality faculty and staff.
• The dean needs coaching to improve related skills in conflict resolution, listening, emotional control, etc.
• The dean displays some effort or interest in grooming faculty for chair or associate dean positions that are known to be vacated in the near future.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 5
• The dean is not actively involved in recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty and
• The dean’s interpersonal skill set is very weak. The dean is unsuccessful in conflict resolution.
• When chair and associate dean positions are known to be vacated in the near future, the dean makes no timely effort to identify faculty as possible candidates for such positions.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 6 ...................................... 9 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 6: Recruitment and Retention of Faculty and Staff
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 6 (verbatim)
6.1 We have been hiring! That didn’t happen before. I’m told Dean Barlowe has advocated strongly for that to happen.
6.2 I only say exceeds expectations on this topic because I haven’t worked with her or directly witnessed her work on the matter of recruitment and retention of staff and faculty. I do know that while in the English department she was the most committed to recruiting and retaining the best of our faculty–even when they weren’t popular with those who had biases against them. Her interpersonal skills are extraordinary . Again she is always strong, eloquent and well-mannered under even the most stressful situations. I’ve observed these skills at work before she was Dean, and I can only assume her talents and commitments have only grown stronger when it comes to reciting the right person for a job and keeping them happily in that position.
6.3 I am not sure how to effectively the above questions, as I don’t believe the dead has the resources necessary to effectively secure high-caliber faculty. She has worked to identify and secure funding for development for current faculty, which is something we did not have access to after the merger.
6.4 causes conflicts where there was little or none before an obstacle to recruitment with delays on making a job offer after a candidate has been selected, but she usually has someone to blame for that, so perhaps she is not responsible anger gets the way of resolving conflicts; in efforts to resolve a conflict she takes sides rather than being neutral in finding a solution that will be the best for the department or university
6.5 Presents several possible solutions to issues that creep up.
6.6 Since the previous administration was fervently opposed to recruitment and retention of faculty and staff in LLSS, I don’t think it is particularly useful to assess Dean Barlowe on this criterion according to this rubric.
6.7 From the info I have the dean could have done a better job resolving the conflict that exists in another department in the college.
6.8 “Recruitment and Retention of Faculty and Staff.” I am glad this was an area to evaluate our dean. My dean drives potential hires away from our college and has shown to be quite unconcerned about retaining experienced, qualified faculty members.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 13 of 23
Area 7 Dean Barlowe External Relations
When assigning degree ratings in this area, please consider the attributes described below and also the degree to which your dean promotes college programs and your students to outside constituen- cies.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 7 ................................................ 3.44
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 5
• The dean relates effectively with external stakeholders to advance the mission of the uni- versity. Effectively recruits students, enriches relationships with past donors, cultivates new donors and solicits gifts for both college and department activities.
• The dean forges very productive relationships with other important stakeholders such as government officials and media representatives. The dean demonstrates prowess in raising funds for capital improvements, scholarships, and other long-term projects that span all departments and programs.
• The dean handles difficult personalities with ease and grace.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 3
• The dean balances his/her schedule to spend appropriate amounts of time on the devel- opment of critically important external relationships (alumni, prospective students, past and potential donors, government officials and media representatives), resulting in increased external funding of activities across most departments and programs.
• The dean’s relationships are productive and conflicts are few and relatively minor in nature. Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 4
• The dean makes a concerted effort to engage important external stakeholders and form constructive relationships with alumni, prospective students, past and potential donors, government officials, media representatives and other important community leaders. The dean is successful is securing external funding to support the activities of most departments and programs.
• The dean’s relationships are constructive and moderately productive. Conflicts with external parties are few.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 2
• The dean understands the importance of external relationships, but spends little time or effort on developing these relationships. The dean has some involvement in raising money for specific projects or purposes, but does not routinely engage in fundraising for projects or purposes spanning most departments and programs.
• The dean’s relationships with external stakeholders are weak and unproductive and will continue to be unsuccessful without coaching.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 2
• The dean is unsuccessful in fundraising or donor development of important external stake-
holders (alumni, prospective students, past and potential donors, government officials, etc.).
• The dean’s relationships with external stakeholders are strained and unproductive. Is un- successful in securing external funds to support college/department activities.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 7..................................... 29 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 7: External Relations
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 7 (verbatim)
7.1 Sorry, I don’t know much about this.
7.2 I wish I could observe her work in this area. Knowing her integrity, interpersonal skills, and keen insight at work in other areas, I can only surmise that her work in terms of external relations is stellar.
7.3 Dean Barlowe works well with community members and community groups, though finding external funding for programs in our college can be difficult.
7.4 I don’t have adequate knowledge to answer.
7.5 Dr. Barlowe has worked with our department to enhance its standing in the community and she has tirelessly worked with members of the community to strengthen ties and increase external funding for our programs. This has been thankless and difficult work in some instances, but the dean has remained steadfast in serving our stakeholders and
7.6 The dean is unsuccessful in fundraising. This is not surprising given the fact that Dean Barlow has never made an effort to learn anything about most disciplines within her own college. (Dean Barlowe has a unmovable, preset concept of such disciplines.) Why would anyone expect her to be successful in fundraising when she cannot speak in any depth about her own departments? My department would benefit significantly from such external funding, but Dean Barlowe has never approached us about such opportunities.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 15 of 23
Area 8 Dean Barlowe Program Development
When assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area, please consider the extent to which she/he is successful in insuring viability and growth, financial stability, and relevance for academic and research programs.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 8 ................................................ 3.16
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 9
• The dean clearly stands out as a leader in academic and research program development and growth.
• The dean is a strong advocate of faculty’s professional development leading to program devel- opment. Financial investments in programs are based on both relevant data and leadership decisions of the dean, made in consultation with faculty and chairs.
• The dean works constantly to raise the relevance, image, viability, and vibrance of all aca- demic and research program, and devotes resources to achieve the college’s long-term aca- demic and research goals.
Exceeds Expectations ......................................... Number of responses: 11
• The dean is a leader in promoting academic and research programs and insuring their sustain- ability by assigning adequate resources for program needs and for professional development of faculty.
• The dean utilizes best evidence when making financial investments in both high-performing and promising academic and research programs.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 9
• The dean consistently shows interest in developing all academic and research programs, and
provides input when appropriate.
• The dean understands professional development of faculty is essential for program develop- ment, sustainability, and growth.
• The dean may assign program responsibilities to direct reports (e.g., chairs), but keeps on top of program management goals.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 8
• The dean shows some interest and ability in the development and sustainability of a selec- tive group of academic and research programs, and demonstrates only limited interest in professional development of faculty.
• The dean needs coaching to improve related management skills or understanding of current academic and research programs.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 7
• The dean gives only passing attention to discussions of academic and research programs, and devotes little or no effort to either program development or the professional development of faculty.
• The dean does not effectively advocate for college programs within the university.
• The dean often does not insure viability of programs due to poor resource allocation deci-
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 8 ...................................... 1
• Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area. 16
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 8: Program Development
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 8 (verbatim)
8.1 Dean Barlowe shows genuine interest in people’s research, and she clearly understands the importance of investing in faculty to produce such research.
8.2 Dean Barlowe has been responsive and intelligent in her understanding of our department’s needs.
8.3 Again, my previous comments will apply here. I’ve seen her work heroically at building the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. More recently the months of hard work she put into reviving the Humanities Program has done a great deal of good to make the faculty of our college more visible and interesting. Now that we have the opportunity to meet and hear the faculty in other departments, moral is boosted and I’d say for those of us who attend the Humanities lectures, we are certainly more stimulated to push on with our own research given we work in an environment of so many fine research active professors.
8.4 Again, LLSS has not been hiring new faculty, and now our level of dysfunction has become dire. I don’t see the dean as actively seeking the best new faculty; she doesn’t fight for competitive, national hires, even though those are the best long term investment she could make.
8.5 One of Dean Barlowe’s strongest qualities is how hard she works to demonstrate all the “cool” accomplishments of faculty, departments and programs.
8.6 Anxious to develop programs that she thinks the higher administration wants but does not evaluate their success or kill them if they don’t work. Example: having new freshmen take 30 hours each semester to complete two years during their first year on campus. Few students have done this and at least some of the classes taught as half semester classes have not been evaluated even though they are also part of the CORE. She pushed the program through but there has been no followup.
8.7 Providing funding to faculty where there was none before has been a great help to faculty in performing research / development.
8.8 The dean has actively encouraged and sought opportunities for professional development for everyone, from staff through the highest ranks of faculty.
8.9 The past three years have demonstrates (a) Dean Barlowe devotes no attention to discussions of academic and research programs, and devotes no effort to program development, (b) Dean Barlowe does not effectively advocate for college programs within the university, (c) Dean Barlowe does not insure viability of programs due to her poor resource allocation decisions, and (d) Dean Barlowe is quite comfortable starving departments of resources and new faculty hires if those departments are not among her favorite departments. If you put aside the surface-level aspect of those issues, the root aspect is that Dean Barlowe has failed our students monumentally.
8.10 Has been part of an administration that starved programs in the college.
8.11 Program development in LLSS requires support from higher administration that is lacking.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 17 of 23
Area 9 Dean Barlowe Problem Solving and Decision-Making
When assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area, please consider the extent of the deans effectiveness in problem solving and decision-making, and her/his ability to anticipate problems.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 9 ................................................ 3.44
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................. Number of responses: 12
• The dean anticipates problems and consults others so that problems are turned into oppor- tunities.
• Faculty and staff recognize that the dean’s decisions are prudent, judicious, and in the best interest of students and faculty. The dean can be depended on to make decisions for self and others that create opportunities throughout the college.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 8
• When appropriate, the dean consistently consults others with relevant expertise to solve
problems expediently.
• The dean can be relied upon to use all available resources during the problem solving and decision-making process. Faculty and chairs look to the dean for guidance on resolving problems, conflicts, etc.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 9
• The dean effectively solves most problems within an expected time frame.
• The dean usually makes decisions carefully and using an appropriate and ethical problem solving process. Consults others prior to making a decision and demonstrates good judge- ment when a decision is made.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 5
• The dean settles often for the first suggested solution, rather than exploring all possibilities.
• The dean may demonstrate some understanding of the problem solving process, but does not consistently employ it. May seek advice from others prior to making a decision, but does so inconsistently. The dean needs coaching on making judicious decisions.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 5
• The dean is unable to find solutions to basic problems. Does not seek advice from others to
find solutions to such problems.
• The dean does not demonstrate an understanding of the decision-making and problem solving process at the college, department, or program level. Decisions appear to be imprudent and without proper assessment of the situation, circumstance, or opportunity.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 9 ...................................... 6 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 9 (verbatim)
9.1 Dean Barlowe is great at soliciting input from all stakeholders and then working toward a consensus. Again, this is where her interpersonal skills are essential.
9.2 Rationale behind decisions should be more transparent.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 9: Problem Solving and Decision-Making
9.3 Again, I will use some of your language her as it so aptly describes Dr. Barlowe’s skills at problem solving and decision making. As I’ve said earlier she can be fearless when it comes to setting any problem aright. Fearless can be a good or bad quality, but Dr. Barlowe’s integrity, intelligence, and compassion make her an excellent and fair manager of difficult situations. When it comes to matters of taking a stand and or intervening in a difficult matter, she has always exhibited what is known as “grace under pressure.” Given her smarts and heart along with this grace, I’d say no administrator can do better than that.
9.4 The dean sympathized with me on problems with the Blackboard system, but her response was basically there is nothing that we can do.
9.5 The Dean appears to make rash and emotional responses in critical decision making. She does not seek out information from all sources, but rather only from the sources she wants to support. Faculty and student training are suffering because of her poor decisions.
9.6 In listening to Dean Barlowe / speaking with her, I have found her to listen carefully, take the time to think through possible solutions, and then act on those solutions -clearly something we need in a leader.
9.7 This has been an extremely challenging period for the University and this has led to some very difficult decisions. I believe in the dean’s judgment and her strategies and I believe that she has guided the College through some harrowing choices. The College has emerged stronger, better governed and despite losing considerable capital resources, I believe we are better serving our mission than we ever have.
9.8 The dean is unable to find solutions to basic problems because she makes herself unavailable to discuss such problems. The dean does not seek advice from others, period. The dean does not demonstrate an understanding of the decision-making and problem solving process at the department or program level. The dean’s decisions appear to be imprudent and without proper assessment of the situation, circumstance, or opportunity.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 19 of 23
Area 10 Dean Barlowe Planning & Organizing
When assigning degree ratings for your dean in this area, please consider the extent to which tasks, activities, outcomes and time must be prioritized, sequenced and scheduled.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 10............................................... 3.24
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 6 • The dean balances multiple projects effectively.
• The dean is recognized as an expert planner.
Exceeds Expectations ......................................... Number of responses: 13
• The dean develops reasonable plans for multiple projects and effectively organizes time to
complete them.
• The dean works effectively with faculty, chairs, and staff to identify goals and to establish activity assignments, timeline, and intermediary assessment points for each task.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 7
• The dean effectively manages time and all elements of one project by providing project plans
and status.
• The dean effectively communicates the issues to be addressed, and sets reasonable goals, activities, and timeline for each task.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 8
• The dean attempts to plan and execute daily tasks, but struggles with setting and commu-
nicating priorities. Requires intervention from others to redirect work to higher priorities.
• The dean shows little or no ability to bring together a team to address a pressing issue.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 4
• The dean shows no ability to plan and execute daily tasks. Takes no initiative but waits to
be assigned tasks from higher administrators (e.g., Provost).
• The dean does not attempt to bring together a team to address a pressing issue.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 10..................................... 7 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 10 (verbatim)
10.1 I don’t know if she is an “expert planner,” I don’t know what that is. And I’ve already ranked the Dean as a role model on just about everything else, so I’ll just say “exceeds expectations.” And I’ll add that I’m amazed how she juggles so many different priorities at once. I couldn’t do it.
10.2 Timelines are not held to, but this is not always the dean’s fault. The chairs and the provost’s office are bad about this as well.
10.3 She was brilliant at planning and organizing when she was in the English Department and when she built and later chaired the Women’s and Gender Studies program, I can only assume her talents and insights have improved in this area.
10.4 The College’s strategic planning process in 2014 is a good example of how well the Dean consults with appropriate constituencies and engages in positive teamwork.
Evaluation of Dean Barlowe Area 10: Planning & Organizing
10.5 Here’s another case where the Dean’s efforts appear exemplary, but the climate and circum- stances have changed so often in the past three or four years that it’s been difficult to complete one task before it’s become obsolete or been replaced by another.
10.6 Hard to say where the blame lies for poor planning but the dean does not seem to advocate for graduate departments. Course schedules must be planned and published before teaching loads are established and before sabbaticals have been approved. Graduate student offers need to be made before we are allowed to know how many offers we can make, hence we are forbidden from making offers to the better students. This is followed by meetings to brainstorm how we can recruit better students.
10.7 I can only answer this question based upon what I have heard Dean Barlowe speak about during meetings or in one-on-one conversations.
10.8 It would really send a positive message to the college if the Dean could make herself more visible to the faculty and staff across departments.
10.9 The dean talks and talks and talks about her plans, but her actions make it all but impossible to plan at the department level. Hence, the dean makes it all but impossible for students to make plans.
UT Faculty Senate Executive Committee Page 21 of 23
Area 11 Dean Barlowe Financial Management
When assigning degree ratings in this area, please consider the extent to which the dean is able to prepare and manage budgets, and be financially accountable to students, faculty, chairs, and the central administration.
Dean Barlowe’s score in Area 11............................................... 3.28
The title page of this report provides context for this score.
Role Model .................................................... Number of responses: 5
• The dean clearly stands out as a leader in financial management and financial accountabil- ity. The dean supports and advises chairs on development of departmental budgets and consistently secures resources necessary to meet those budgets.
Exceeds Expectations .......................................... Number of responses: 9
• The dean demonstrates financial accountability. Effectively communicates how fiscal realities will impact department and program needs. Makes financial decisions in consultation with chairs, program directors, and faculty.
Meets Expectations ............................................ Number of responses: 8 • The dean is adept at budget preparation and makes financial decisions in consultation with
chairs and program directors.
Needs Improvement ............................................ Number of responses: 3
• The dean needs coaching to improve financial skills, but shows some ability in relating current fiscal conditions to department needs.
Unsuccessful .................................................... Number of responses: 4
• The dean is able to prepare a budget but does not understand much information on the financial statements. Shows little or no ability in relating current fiscal conditions to depart- ment or program needs. The dean does not effectively consult with or inform chairs about budgetary issues. The dean will continue to be unsuccessful in this area unless coaching is provided.
Number of non-responses to options provided in Area 11.................................... 16 • Unable to assess because of insufficient observation of dean’s performance in this area.
Written Comments on Dean Barlowe’s Performance in Area 11 (verbatim)
11.1 I am particularly pleased with the Dean’s continued support in providing additional funding and resources to Lecturers who have consistently fulfilled their teaching duties, and have represented the university at both the national and international levels.
11.2 Given the demands of the past and current administrations, I find Dean Barlowe to have protected the college as best she can where it comes to financial management of the college.
11.3 The dean has absolutely no ability in relating current budgetary conditions to department, program, or student needs. The dean never meaningfully consults with or inform chairs about pending budgetary issues. Instead, the dean informs chairs about budget issues only after all decisions have been made. It appears that because the dean clearly does not fully understand budgets she makes the assumption that her faculty and chairs are incapable of that understanding.
11.4 I don’t know much about this, either.
11.5 No clue!
Area 12 Dean Barlowe Comments on overall administrative performance
Faculty members were invited to provide comments on the overall administrative perforance of their dean. The following are the verbatim responses received from that invitation.
12.1 The dean was and remains ideologically invested in the policies and procedures of the previous failed (Jacobs) administration. She has alienated many faculty in the past and given the history of these mutual animosities, the LLSS College under this dean cannot improve its academic reputation quickly, if at all. She is culpable for her intimate role with the failed Jacobs administration. She should now step down from her position as LLSS dean, or relocate as an administrator to another university.
12.2 Displays undue favoritism towards certain faculty members.
12.3 This dean does not hide her disrespect for some disciplines, departments, and faculty. Ex- ample: XXX is easy and every single student should be able to pass the course (regardless, apparently, of whether they attend or take any exams) Such statements indicate a lack of regard for the integrity of the degree from UT and concern only for state subsidy.
12.4 Please replace this Dean.
12.5 Outstanding leadership. The University and LLSS are lucky to have her as Dean.
12.6 Better communication and engagement with chairs and faculty would improve efforts to en- hance the college, shows respect for chairs and faculty and strong interest and desire to advance and improve the college but lacks interest in or ability to openly discuss and communicate with faculty and chairs and involve them in efforts to improve the college. Strong advocate for the College during interactions with senior administration, alumni and community and supports program and academic efforts and improvements within programs and departments. Often limited in what information is shared and when in a timely manner and not participat- ing fully in shared governance with chairs and faculty. Examples include recent efforts with strategic planning, faculty hiring plan and annual budgets where share information and input by faculty and chairs was very limited.
12.7 The dean has always made me feel welcome, even as a new faculty member. However, I feel that I need more experience at the university to better assess most of the categories, as I am still learning what goes on in administration.
12.8 Overall, Dean Barlowe has done an outstanding job as dean of LLSS. She is a strong advocate for LLSS constituents-students, faculty, and staff.
12.9 Context matters. It has been a long time since a Dean of A&S / LLSS has been given a fair opportunity to succeed along the dimensions surveyed in this assessment instrument. On an additional criterion “resist higher administration urge to destroy college” Dean Barlowe would score highly.
12.10 Dr. Barlowe is probably adequate enough as a dean, but leaves much to be desired as a person, which makes her less qualified as a dean. In my view and to my knowledge: Her integrity is at best questionable. She tells partial truths and even lies when it suits her purposes. She has used her position and connections to get probably more than one person a job; in some cases this may even violate contracts. Her relationship with some faculty members and department chairs really should be investigated as well, as they seem to be a covert mutual aid society.
12.11 Dean Barlowe is not an actual dean – she pursues her interests only and not that of our college. This is not the College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences. It is the College of Jamie Barlow – and this college is dying because of that. Please help us.


Anonymous said...

Given the low response rate, average or slightly above average results in all areas and in total, and minimum number of complaints and issues raised (all easily countered by same number of or more positive comments), unless the Interim Provost has concerns with her performance, like it or not this Dean is getting a new contract.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to get Dean reviews for all of the colleges?

Anonymous said...

This is very good compared to the education dean's review.

Anonymous said...

We'll spend $16 million of donated money on a new alumni center, but our students are stuck with a library that's been decimated?
Surely donors can prioritize...

Anonymous said...

Do we really need a new alumni building? Couldn't the alumni meet in the Sim Center? I hear that it's not very busy.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope that the new President who has experience in fund raising and has stated it to be a priority for her shoots down the completely stupid idea of trying to raise $16 million just for such a new building, rather then downscale or renovate existing space, plus the impact the project would have on relocating many offices and critical student support services to other locations where there currently is no other space with accessible parking on main campus for those functions. And I agree there are many more useful projects and needs to raise money for besides an alumni building of that scope and scale. Why not build next or onto Rocket Hall even using some space but big loss of office space for such a limited use in prime space with large parking function.

Anonymous said...

As a UT graduate, I would not give a dime for a new alumni center.

There are many, many more important issues to address.

Anonymous said...

There are also big gaping empty spaces in Carlson Library where we could have alumni fund-raising events. That way, our development office could directly demonstrate the need for donations to re-build our library collection, the one that has been decimated by an administration that charges a library fee that doesn't go to the library. These wide empty spaces, once targeted by administration for one boondoggle after another (remember the One-World Schoolhouse?), are ready and waiting to encourage donations so that no traveling administrators are left the coach section of international flights!

Anonymous said...

Screw this blog.

That is two posts in two weeks that you did not publish that were supportive of UT's administration.

I don't even know why I wasted my time on this blog. It jumped the shark a few years ago.

This has become a paranoid echo chamber of naysayers.

Critical thinking is dead here, just rabid criticism. Reminds me of FOX News.

There's a big picture that most of this blog's contributors are too blind to see.
