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Thursday, August 28, 2008

First meeting

At the Arts and Sciences Council meeting I finally discovered why we, as a college, have been so forlorn in our efforts to improve. When our new interim dean was introduced she explained that she had taken both voice and dance lessons. It was a eureka moment for me. We finally have a dean who can really sing and dance. With apologies to Tom Lehrer:

You can't expect the college to win against her foes
With no one in the office who can really tap her toes.

All joking aside, I wish her well.

Now to the business at hand. I wish to thank those who responded to my post about mid-term grades. I was unaware that the original movement came from the Faculty Senate and not the administration. While I will participate, I can't help but wonder that we are still playing at the margins when it comes to improving education. Many still look for a magic bullet that will make everything just fine. After twenty-nine years, I am pretty well convinced there is no magic bullet. There are, however, many magic moments. A colleague once said that education consists of "professors posing interesting questions to interested students." While we are pretty good at the first part, the problem is the second part.


sir lawrence said...

and thank you for your provocative comments to begin with. i do think this blog is a good forum for questioning some of the underlying assumptions behind the policies that get enacted, whether they come from the faculty or the administration.
i agree that "we are pretty good at the first part" as you state. in looking for names to propose for the "assessment" roundtable, i checked the master teacher lists. there are lots of good people all over the college (not to mention good researchers too; and the fact that master teachers are just as likely to be master researchers says something about UT).

Odysseus said...


Is it ok if we also question the policies themselves, the people and the motives behind them, and not just limit our discussions to the underlying assumptions?

I wouldn't want to do any unauthorized thinking or take part in discussions that did not have your imprimatur