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UT's Officially Disapproved Information Source and HISTORICAL ARCHIVE. The only source of truth, where Paradox Manifests: Hundreds of thousands of visits. Yet No One Admits to Reading It. Welcome to the "Grey Area" where "Unethical Utterances," i.e., criticisms of administrators, are commonplace. Make U.U. here where genuine civility still reigns, a.k.a., freedom......................... UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO'S EQUIVALENT TO RADIO FREE EUROPE
Jacobs' arrogance is astonishing
It's the same old, same old at UT
. . . . Either Jacobs is misleading the media or he has misled the Board of Trustees. President Jacobs objected to "the general tone" of the UT-AAUP Newsletter. Many persons on this campus object to the "general tone" of the Jacobs Administration. During his tenure as President, he has introduced an administrative culture of fear and intimidation. . . . A point of logic must be raised here, with all respect to UT AAUP, the conclusions that President Jacobs has (1) misled the media and (2) the Board of Trustees are not mutually exclusive. Both would seem likely given his considerable talent at spinning "visions." |
Hey Boggie.
Glad to see the president apparently reads this blog.
Thus, today's thank-you note to the UT community about the HLC visit.
Sure, the President was never planning to issue such a thank you, until prompted by this blog. Yet another example where the few posters and champions of this blog have an inflated view of themselves and self importance of this blog in actually impacting real changes and decisions.
to Anonymous 11:41. It sure seems that this blog has a great deal of power over you as evidenced by your anxiety over its postings. Regarding everyone and and every thing else, its influence is moot.
To Anonymous 11:41
The Gaber presidency is still very much a work in progress and she might, just might appreciate constructive suggestions no matter the source.
Knowledge of major issues facing UT and of institutional history, knowledge of the community and state, political astuteness, and attention to detail aren't the exclusive province of the board of trustees or 8-to-5, $200,000 suits working for her on the third floor of U. Hall.
CLASS = College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
No way at 2:28. Administrators are missing a chance to settle this in a way that allows for future reorganizations on the cheap. Call it the College of Scholarly Knowledge that way we will not need new signage and stationary every few years.
"Arts and Letters" is the name, not "CLASS." CLASS was one of the finalists in the online survey of faculty. I'm sure these facts won't prevent all the frustrated satirists from trying to prove that they don't need any training to be a creative writer- just an internet provider, basic typing skills and a blog where they can post their master works anonymously.
How about College of Related Arts Programming?
Will be College of Letters and Arts (CLA), faculty votes and decision has been made
ALAS = Arts, Letters And Sciences
Now another faculty vote on a name, as apparently a group complained to the President, as if the college name is really that important to students new and future. Sorry folks no name is going to keep everyone happy, some group from Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences is going to be left out and not happy. If CLA works for Notre Dame, certainly not an image or recruitment challenge there, should be good enough for UT. Anything would be an improvement over CLLSS. Keep it short, keep it simple, create marketing and branding for it, and lets get moving on the more pressing issues.
Here's a compromise.
College of Related Undergraduate Disciplines
Does this work?
The College Formerly Known as Languages, Literature and Social Sciences?
"CLA" is an acronym that represents nothing. It is even less than a clam. It is useless for branding purposes. "CLASS" in contrast means "demonstrating excellence" and is a brand we can parlay successfully into student recruitment and donor gifts. Moreover it respects rather than ignores the huge role that the social sciences play in the newly-merged college, while yet empowering all the liberal arts. If there is something negative about the acronym "CLASS" (College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences), please articulate it clearly ASAP on this blog.
All the college acronyms mean nothing, and they are not important for branding or marketing, just easier to say and type (NMS, COE, COBI etc...)The name College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is too long, and frankly not much better then College of Languages, Literature and Social Sciences, and need to shorten to three letter acronym. If the University of Notre Dame can include Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences with their College of Letters and Arts why not UT? If faculty or departments in the Social Sciences actually seriously believe that not having Social Sciences in the college name is hurting their enrollment, fund raising, marketing, retention, and recruitment they are burying their heads in the sand as to the real problems facing them. Same for Arts and the Humanities.
It is long and almost as twee as COBI.
As much as I respect the views of the COMM faculty and their right to develop degree requirements, they still need to follow their College and Faculty Senate rules and procedures regarding reviews and approvals of all curriculum and program modifications. Unless I am in error (and please COMM feel free to correct me), a formal proposal to modify the foreign language requirement for COMM majors was not submitted to department and college for approval prior to Faculty Senate.
The COMM ploy was an attempt at an end run around a formal proposal. The idea was simply to make the FL change a fait accompli, and then shove the President's memo or email or whatever that thing is that she wrote that states and 'many shall not dictate to the few' into the faces of anyone who objected.
Anonymous 7:14. What's your "ploy?" You spout nonsense. Communication deliberated and voted as a department. The proposal passed. It was approved by the COMM Dept. Curriculum committee and the Chair, It was approved by the COCA curriculum-academic affairs committee. Then when it got to the COCA Council it was submitted to a VOTE by COCA faculty. It passe. 60/40. It has passed so far all the steps in the curriculum tracking system. And , yes, the next step it moves higher. But this "ploy" you are claiming is simply called "faculty governance.: "End run" you say? You are simply being dismissive of an idea that you apparently don't like or understand. It was a long and throughly discussed process. Now it moves onward.
President announced to faculty at the name College of Letters and Arts will be presented to Board for approval as name of merged colleges.
I was hoping it would be the College of Literature, Arts, Sciences and Humanities Then we would have reason to play "Rock the Casbah" at graduation ceremonies.
"Less than a CLAm." Amen.
Are members of university communications and marketing on strike?
Why no news stories on myUT for May 17 and May 18?
Or is nothing going on at UT?
IT server was down.
Scarborough, Burns keep screwing up U of Akron.
Don't forget the recent negative financial ratings UA received from Moody's and Fitch as well as the call by the Akron Beacon Journal for the board of trustees to change leadership and fire Scarborough.
The incompetence, arrogance and mismanagement of the Scarborough administration and the resultant destruction of UA is breathtaking in its scope and depth.
How does a guy who is paid around a half-million dollars, who enjoys kingly perks--think $500 olive jars in his free presidential home--and who was supposedly hired for his vaunted management ability screw up so consistently and keep his job?
One does wonder what is next.
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