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UT's Officially Disapproved Information Source and HISTORICAL ARCHIVE. The only source of truth, where Paradox Manifests: Hundreds of thousands of visits. Yet No One Admits to Reading It. Welcome to the "Grey Area" where "Unethical Utterances," i.e., criticisms of administrators, are commonplace. Make U.U. here where genuine civility still reigns, a.k.a., freedom......................... UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO'S EQUIVALENT TO RADIO FREE EUROPE
Jacobs' arrogance is astonishing
It's the same old, same old at UT
. . . . Either Jacobs is misleading the media or he has misled the Board of Trustees. President Jacobs objected to "the general tone" of the UT-AAUP Newsletter. Many persons on this campus object to the "general tone" of the Jacobs Administration. During his tenure as President, he has introduced an administrative culture of fear and intimidation. . . . A point of logic must be raised here, with all respect to UT AAUP, the conclusions that President Jacobs has (1) misled the media and (2) the Board of Trustees are not mutually exclusive. Both would seem likely given his considerable talent at spinning "visions." |
This shows what a dozen or two full time PR people can accomplish given a few years' time. Beaming Jake should maybe run for U.S. Senate.
What does that mean?
I'm not sure either, but I think it refers to the President's so-serious demeanor or scowl in public. He does look nice when he smiles. I wish we saw his nice side more often.
Is that what the pickle means? That was over my head too.
“Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?” – Alexander Pope
I got the pickle stuff, but the horse whisperer definitely went over my head.
Although it is interesting that the UT PR branch has been showing us a kinder gentler Jacobs that is at odds with the bullpickle reality: Jake the Destroyer.
Did any of you note the little threat slipped into the State of the U address about achieving excellence and all to the effect that It will not be about teaching the classes you want to teach. So a faculty expert is supposed to teach only the bullpickle curriculum?
Note too how he appropriated the Round Table report to mean exactly what he wanted it to mean and no more. He is going to show us "teaching modalities" and curriculum alright! Outsource it all online! That is how it will be prescribed.
I prefer the Dr Swifty post below
Some wit said that Calvin Coolidge looked as if he had been weaned on a pickle.
At least "Silent Cal" tended to keep his mouth shut.
The A&S Horse Whispers are a Tom-fooled gang of garrulous A&S Council sycophants and toadies. Their deluded hails to the chief, to change and to creative self-destruction are often heard during A&S Council meetings. Their puppet show, orchestrated by “Backroom Brady,” has helped put that smile on the new face of the Jacobs Administration. Their reward will be a free ride around the old corral before sundown.
The A&S Council took a vote today, after lengthy deliberation. The vote was unanimous -- or nearly so: To postpone till Fall a hastily proposed May 2nd Saturday Roundtable revival and retreat at the Lake Erie Research Center. Now the Roundtable toadies pushing the retreat are conspiring to ignore the Council vote and convene this meeting anyway. This subversion of a democratic vote demonstrates clearly that the Roundtable Executive Committee is disrespectful of the wishes of Council, and is not and never was a representative A&S body, but merely an implementation tool of the Jacobs administration's draconian business model for the creative destruction of A&S College. So sad.
Ed, Your comment is important enough to warrant a post of its own, not just a comment to another post. I too was puzzled that the discussion and decision at the meeting were so obviously disregarded, evident by the e-mail we received the very next day. Or maybe it was a rush job so that we had it before anyone, e.g., the Provost, had time to consider what the Council had to say--do it now, apologize (or not) later. You are so right, it's subversive and a sad commentary on the regard the Powers That Be have for the people.
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